Discover Top Talent Faster

Connect with the right candidates effortlessly using AI-driven career summaries and in-depth historical analysis.
How it works

Find Relevant Information In Minutes

Multiple Search Engines In One

We combine, analyse and extract relevant data from multiple search engines at once so you won't have to.

Real-Time Validation

Get unmatched quality of information using real-time public information source analysis with help of AI.

Transparency First

Explore and analyze all collected data sources. Find origin of information and verify research content.

Background Analysis

Ensure you are trusting the right people online. Get insights on persons education, career growth and more.

100+ of Public Data API's In One

WhiteBridge is connecting different public data providers to enrich the research with valuable information.

A success formula in your pocket


Maximize Hiring Efficiency

Increase successful placements by up to 30% by leveraging our comprehensive candidate profiles. Make informed hiring decisions with insights into candidates' careers, education, and personal attributes.

Build Strong Candidate Relationships

Foster genuine connections by exploring candidates’ interests, achievements, and personal journeys. Enhance your recruitment process with personalized interaction, leading to more meaningful hires.

Save Up to 10 Hours Weekly in Screening

Streamline your recruitment process and save 5-10 hours weekly. Utilize our in-depth digital profiles to shift your focus from time-consuming background checks to engaging with the right candidates.

Get more for less

WhiteBridge combines the best of tools to bring you everything in one place

Behavioural Analysis
Career Analysis
Do's and Don'ts
Search Results Analysis
Data Privacy Analysis
Reverse Face Search Analysis


What information will I get in my report?

The report provides a comprehensive insight into the individual's professional and educational background, interactions, and behavioral tendencies. Additionally, we deliver crucial information regarding any data breaches the individual may have been involved in, to provide a well-rounded understanding of their digital footprint.

Where is the data gathered from?

Our data is meticulously sourced from a broad spectrum of publicly available information across the internet. This includes, but is not limited to, professional networks, social media platforms, public records, and other open data platforms, ensuring a thorough and accurate assembly of data points.

What payment methods do you accept?

We offer a variety of payment methods for your convenience. You can choose to pay using any major credit or debit card. Additionally, we support digital wallet payments through Google Pay and Apple Pay, as well as Binance Pay providing a seamless and secure payment experience.

What is your money-back policy?

We stand behind the value and quality of our services. Therefore, all our plans come with a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. This ensures that you have a full month to evaluate our services and decide if they meet your expectations, risk-free.

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By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. View our Privacy Policy for more information.